Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sophie, Belle and Rusty

I will never forget the first time I saw each of my pitbulls. Belle was in a crate at the shelter and her eyes were captivating; Rusty was being unloaded from a van when they were released from the pound, he was so forlorn/scared/skinny and his eyes were pools of emotion; Sophie came bounding out of a barn directly to me, her eyes sparkling as she smiled up at me. From those moments my pitbulls have continued to amaze me.

Being responsible for a breed that is so misrepresented is a challenge, and we are always working to make sure our dogs can be ambassadors, to help change people perceptions. I'm as loyal and protective of them as they are of me!

Just like everything else, get to know a bully breed before you judge. I firmly believe once you do, you'll love them as much as we do!

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